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Fruit Trees

Q.spraying fruit trees

Zone (North) Auburn, CA #7 | Anonymous added on February 19, 2018 | Answered

We have had such abundance of rain in the foothills of California (zone 7) for months, when should I spray my stone fruit trees? We have only a few hours of no rain, during the week. The trees are showing signs of budding. Can you advise? I also have an apple tree. Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 19, 2018

Maintain the same schedule of spraying your trees, but try to do during dry days.
A fungicide treatment is quite important with the heavy rains you are experiencing.


I would also advise to call your County Extension Office for specific advise to your region.

Here is a link to help you locate your nearest office.


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