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Plumeria Plants

Q.Sprayed Poison On Plumaria Help

Zone 29579 Myrtle Beach SC | Anonymous added on August 22, 2021 | Answered

I mixed a light bug spray in the hand pump sprayer. The first thing I sprayed was my little plumeria. Quickly all the leaves fell off, the blooms fell off and new growth turned black. I think the sprayer had some major poison in it I didnt wash out. Anything I can do? Here’s a pic of what’s left. Help

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 23, 2021

You can try to dilute the chemicals by watering the leaves, branches, trunk a lot. Remove dead or black tissues. You could then transplanting to a new pot with new potting mix. My assumption is that some of this chemical got into the potting mix too.

The only thing to deal with afterwards is what chemicals the plant has absorbed internally and I see no way to deal with that. I would place it in ICU, meaning a location where it gets morning sun only, dappled sun or very bright shade. Water as usual and fertilize when you see new growth.

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