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Q.Spray Mixing

Anonymous added on March 13, 2014 | Answered

I purchased Honor Guard as per the information from “Black Spot On Rose Bushes: How To Get Rid Of Black Spot Roses” By Stan V. Griep. The ratio for mixing is 5-8 ounces per 100 gal. of water. I usually use a one gallon sprayer. What is the correct ratio for this?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 14, 2014

Hi and thanks for reading my article on Black Spot! The mix ratio for Honor Guard is 1/3 to 2/3 teaspoon per gallon of water. If your climatic conditions are more on the damp side I would used 2/3 teaspoon to a gallon of water. I do not have a measuring spoon that breaks things down into 1/3 increments, so I just gauge it using a teaspoon measuring spoon and get as close as I can. If it is a wee bit over it is still okay and a wee bit under is still within the lower 1/3 range. Its usual effective range is about 14 days. There is a handy spray mixing chart available for free download on the http://www.rosemania.com website too. Enjoy your roses!

Stan The Rose Man :o)

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