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Jade Plants

Q.Spots on Jade Plant

Anonymous added on August 13, 2012 | Answered

I have a jade plant with small white spots on or toward the ends of some of the leaves. They are like tiny white polka dots. Is this a powdery mildew? In the pictures I saw, powdery mildew looked like larger, more random shaped spots. My spots are very small compared to the pictures and completely circular, about the size of the period on my computer screen. Can you help me? I love my plant and it has doubled in size over the last 6-9 months. Do I have to destroy them?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 14, 2012

It could be mealybugs or scale, or even a fungus. I would treat the plant with neem oil. It is effective these pests and many others, but does not harm people and pets. It is also an effective fungicide. Here is more information on it: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htm

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Answered on August 17, 2012

From your description of being perfectly round, my best guess would be scale. You do want to remove the little buggers - otherwise they'll just multiply. Neem oil is a good suggestion, as suggested above. If there are not too many scale, remove them with a q-tip dipped in Neem Oil, alcohol, or soap and water.

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