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Fig Tree

Q.Spots on fig tree

Zone 02135 | Georger93 added on May 23, 2018 | Answered

Fig tree rust? Overwatering? What are the spots on my fig tree? It’s in a container. Organic lobster soil compost is the soil. What could be the issue?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 23, 2018

Definitely a fungal infection, and usually caused by overwatering. Especially in container, it is important to let the top two inches of soil dry out completely before you water again. It is also very important to have proper drainage holes in the container.

You may be able to correct the issue with wettable sulfur and dolomitic lime

This will not correct the burning caused by planting directly into compost, though. This is meant as an amendment to garden, or potting soil. Using alone would not be advised. I would recommend mixing 1/3 of that mix into a potting mix, and replant into that.

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