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Tree Problems

Q.Split Tree Trunk

leanneo added on June 18, 2011 | Answered

My tree has a split tree trunk and it’s starting to show signs of dying branches. It’s been split for a couple years and has healed itself pretty well with the scarring. Is there something I can do for it? There are no other signs of trauma or disease.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 22, 2011

The dying branches could be a separate issue from the split. If the wound does not show signs of decay or other problems, it is likely not the cause of the dying branches.

Fungus and pests are the most common reasons for branch die off in trees. Treat the tree with neem oil to kill any fungus or pests that may be on the tree.

If you do not see improvement in the tree after 2 weeks of spraying it with neem, you should have a professional come in and look at it. Tree diseases are hard to diagnose without actually observing the tree, so you would need someone who could come in person to take a look.

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