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Philodendron Plants

Q.Split-Leaf Or Fiddle-leaf Philodendron Gardening Mishap

Zone 92117 | Pshrynking added on January 17, 2020 | Answered

In the midst of a household project, my husband decided that our 25-year old Split-Leaf philodendron was in his way. Rather than consulting me or doing any research on the plant he began hacking away at the leaves, leaving a long, asparagus-like trunk on several of the shoots.

Heartbroken, I am trying to figure out what can be done to preserve the appearance of the plant. I have seen when they are cut in such a manner to create a tree and that would not be the look that I prefer.

Would it be better to wait until Spring and then take the plant closer to the ground, under plant it to fill in the missing growth, or is there a mean of propagating just the top of the plant, and cutting it back to the base?

Someone suggested that it could possibly be scored at the bottom to encourage growth near the base rather than at the top.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 20, 2020

Though this is a severe, and improper pruning, I think that there is a good chance that it will recover. It will take a long time, and there is not really much you can do to help it along, but they can recover from extreme damage.

For now, I would remove all of the dead undergrowth and anything that is no longer alive. This will help the plant to start making the proper hormones for recovery.

Make sure to give it just a little food once it does start to show new growth.

Here is an article that will help you to care for it while it is recovering:https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/philodendron/tree-philodendron-houseplants.htm

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