Q.spindly geraniums
Wintered my plants in basement. Cut back, watered slightly. Went away for month thinking they are dormant. It’s February. They are growing like weeds! But–very spindly. Should I cut them back again? And then put them in sun? Help. I have 12 pots–do not want to lose them!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I am guessing taht it is not quite cool enough in the basement, which is not surprising given the mild winter most areas have been experiencing. If you have room, try to get them into the light, but if not they should be ok for the next couple of weeks until they can go outside. Your biggest issue during that time will be pest infestations. Pests will attack stressed plants, so you will want to keep a sharp eye out for pests and treat them as soon as you see them.
