Q.Spiderworts are falling over…..help
My spiderwort plants do well, love the spot I have them, lots of blooms…..but seem to get too heavy & fall over, many laying on the ground. Not sure what to do. Do they need to be planted deeper? Should I put a little fence around to hold them up?

This is a common problem with spiderwort. The usual suggestions are to grow it in partial shade and to cut it back to 12 inches after the initial bloom period to stimulate a second bloom. They are placed 4-6 inches deep when planted. Fertilizer encourages excessive (read floppy) growth in most native plants, spiderwort included. At the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, spiderworts are placed next to taller plants or rocks to lean against. I wonder if dividing the clump will help the plants stay upright. Give it a try this fall or early next spring. Of course, a plant hoop or sticks and twine can be employed to keep your spiderwort upright.