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Q.Spiderplant Struggles

Zone London | Anonymous added on May 4, 2023 | Answered

My spiderplant is looking like it’s struggling. It was originally a pup from a larger plant and was doing great. It was replanted into a larger pot last year and had no issues. Last couple of weeks it’s beginning to look a little sorry. Leaves are very pal and just appear to be drooping. Leaves are also brown and dry at base of plant where it meets top soil. No smell from roots and have taken to pot well. There’s a couple of new Leaves coming through and are growing well? It’s very confusing?! Would a constant breeze affect the plant? My partner had covid and the window which plant is near was open constantly when temp was a little cooler a couple of weeks ago? Any advice on how this may have happened and how to fix?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 5, 2023

It could be from overwatering and/or a cold draft. Make sure it is out of the way of the open window and feel the soil before watering; poke a finger down an inch or so and only water if it is dry.

I also would recommend a slightly larger container; that looks a bit small.


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