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Garden Pest Control

Q.Spider mites or other problem

Zone Singapore | Dbly8 added on May 23, 2016 | Answered

I would like to find out what is the cause of tiny yellow spots found on a few of the green leaves on my hibiscus plant. I tried spraying with an insecticide (white oil) because I suspect it’s spider mites but the leaves still continue to turn green with yellow tiny spots again. What might the problem be? Is it spider mites, overfertilizing, overwatering or other problem?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 25, 2016

There are several pests that like to hang out on Hibiscus; Aphids, Scale, Mites, Mealybug and Whitefly.

These pests can cause yellowing leaves.

Watering issues; either too much or too little can also cause the yellowing leaves.
Temperatures and nutrition issues also must be considered.
Pests and fungus can be treated with Neem Oil. Neem Oil is organic and safe for people, pets and Bees.
Here are some articles that will help you correct the issues.


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