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Q.specimen conifers

Zone countryside Herefordshire | Anonymous added on May 25, 2017 | Answered

over the last 2 years I have lost specimen conifer trees ranging from 6ft+ down to 3ft.
They were planted in amongst Heathers, and in the Lawn 9 years ago, The conifers range from Blue through to greens, different varieties.
I have lost 3 this year already, the problem is everything is established and grown at the same time, what can I replace with?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 26, 2017

How about:
Acer palmatum
Snowy mespilus
Pink berried rowan
Pyrus calleryana
Chinese Paperbark Maple
Siberian Pea Tree
Judas Tree
Chilean Fire Bush
Tree Peony
Plumosa Aurea-Sambucus

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