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Spaghetti Squash Plants

Q.Spaghetti squash

Zone Eugene Oregon | Dmallery added on August 8, 2015 | Answered

I planted two spaghetti squash plants early this summer. There are already a few that are huge, but they are a light cream color. I am worried if I wait until fall to harvest them, as is recommended, they might be woody or not good to eat. Any suggestions? I live in Eugene, Oregon and we have had a hot, hot (100 degrees many days) summer so far.
Thanks in advance.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 11, 2015

Here is an article on determining spaghetti squash ripeness that will help you. It looks as though your squash has the ability of ripening off the vine so harvesting them when you did should be inconsequential.


Happy gardening!

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