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Q.Something Is Eating My Tulip Bulbs

debbie071257 added on March 29, 2012 | Answered

Something is eating my tulip bulbs but not the green or the flowers.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 30, 2012

Actually, moles don't typically feast on garden bulbs or plants. They prefer insects and grubs. Voles, on the other hand (as well as chipmunks) do enjoy chomping down on some nice, tasty flower bulbs, especially tulips. Both will even use mole tunnels to achieve these acts, which is why the poor moles get blamed for everything. These articles should help with them: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/animals/vole-control.htm

In addition, squirrels will often dig up bulbs. Are your being dug up at all? If so, you can make wire cages for the bulbs. Chicken wire will work. Some people also use strawberry baskets (the kind that strawberries come in at the store) as cages. For squirrels, you really just need to protect them from above.

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Answered on March 30, 2012

Hummm, may be moles or voles are tunneling in for a treat. Three things to try..get a cat :), bury a few moths balls close to the area, or stick a windmill toy in the ground close to the bulbs(the movement and vibration of the windmill rotating around and around from the wind bothers the underground pests.

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