Q.Something has appeared on my lawn
This appeared on my lawn overnight (last night)
There are 4 patches each about 12″ across and covering 3-4 feet.
The grass has not been cut and the blades of grass appear to be coated in a foam like yellow substance. The ground in between the blades of grass is clear!
Ray Brown
Westcliff On Sea

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks to be one of the many slime molds. Getting rid of it is almost impossible, and futile.
This fungus doesn't do anything harmful to the soil or grass, though. It will resolve itself once it has run its course, or when it it too dry to flourish.
This article will offer more information on the organism: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/fungus-lichen/what-is-slime-mold-slime.htm