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Jasmine Plants

Q.Something eating the leaves in my jasmine plant

Zone buenos aires, argentina | Anonymous added on January 17, 2019 | Answered

i don’t think it’s a bug, the plant was looking beautiful, full of green leaves and then the next morning all the leaves were completely gone. it was stripped bare. my yard is enclosed, so there’s not a lot of things that can get in there to cause harm. what could be doing it? i think i saw a frog or a toad in the area one day, could that be doing it? also, what can i do to protect it? to keep it from happening again?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 18, 2019

If you are sure that deer and rabbits cannot get to it, then I would pin this down to some insect or caterpillar. This would be the most likely culprit. This link will take you to articles that will help you in crafting your own pest control, no matter the pest: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/organic/

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