Q.some sort of flying beetle like bugs have been eating my roses this fall, and I can’t get rid of them. They have an iridescent
blue green spot on their backs. Can you advise please? I’m losing my roses!

Unfortunately you have been visited by one of the nastiest foes encountered by any rose loving gardener. They are called Japanese Beetles. It really takes a two pronged approach to do battle with them. Using a systemic insecticide granule that can be scratched into the soils, such as those made by Bayer, will help get rid of the grubs they leave in the soils. A systemic insecticide sprayed upon the roses when the beetles first appear, or slightly before they appear if the timing is known, will also help. I am providing a link to an article I wrote about them for you as well. Nasty bugs they are! Article link: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/japanese-beetles-roses.htm