Q.Some of my plants like my regal geraniums in pots and my maidenhair fern- just planted last month have gone from dark green leaves
to pale green. I have regularly fertilized the geraniums with a blooming fertilizer with limited success with flowering but haven’t done anything to the fern. It was dark green when I planted it but all new growth is light green. What do I need to do? more nitrogen?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Regal geraniums like cool weather and don't bloom when it turns warm. They will resume blooming when it cools off in fall.
Maidenhair ferns are normally a light gray-green so I'm not sure why it was dark green when you purchased it. They do like a more alkaline soil, which should be moist, but well drained. If you have it in shade it should do fine. You can add some organic matter to the soil if you haven't already.