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Fruit Trees

Q.Solved the green Caterpillar problem on fruit trees

Zone Central Canada | occultrush added on June 15, 2015 | Answered

On the last week in May, and the first week in June, in my area of Central Canada, I put a spotlight out in the backyard all night and go out occasionally throughout the night to spray raid on the fat brown moths that come to the light. My fruit trees don’t get those pests. I killed four of those very pregnant moths a couple weeks ago. There are no eggs nor caterpillars on my fruit trees. All the neighbor’s fruit trees are being ravaged by large green caterpillars. They have to apply all kinds of poisons to deal with those pests. It doesn’t help much.

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Answered on June 15, 2015

Thank you so much for sharing this gardening tip!

Congratulations and enjoy that fruit.

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