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Ornamental Grasses

Q.Soil Prep For Karl Foerster And Hakconechla Grasses In Toronto

Zone 5 | Anonymous added on May 8, 2021 | Answered

I will be planting Karl Foerster and Hakconechloa grasses together (the Foerster in the background against a fence). Currently I have a lot of clay in the area that I want to plant both of them (they will be together). What do you recommend I do for the soil prep? Should I remove all the clay and replace with soil? Or can I mix in soil, composted manure and fertilizer with the existing clay? Thanks, Jane Edwards

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 10, 2021

Here are two articles that should help with your soil amendment project. I don't think you should remove the clay, but you can improve the soil. I hope these help:

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