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Cucumber Plants

Q.Soil-borne Cucurbit Disease

Anonymous added on February 24, 2014 | Answered

Two years ago, I had my cucumber and watermelon vines shrivel from the bottom. Moved the crops last year, but it happened again, and also happened to my pumpkins and gourds in a different part of the yard. I have heard there is a soil-borne virus that could be responsible. Is there any way to get rid of it? Only cucurbits are affected. Grew sunflowers and morning glories in the same spot last year and they were fine. Is there a cure? Thank you!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 24, 2014

Other than relocating to another planting area, you may want to consider solarizing the garden soil. This article should help you with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/projects/how-to-solarize-garden-beds-to-eliminate-garden-pests-in-the-soil.htm

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