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Soil Amendments

Q.Soil and gardening prep

Zone 06053 | Anonymous added on May 1, 2019 | Answered

Hi, I’m very new to gardening, as I just moved to a suburban area last summer (I’ve lived in NYC all my life) and I know nothing of gardening. I wanted to purchase a few organic plants from a local farm to decorate and add some color to curb appeal. So I have a few questions:
1) I am planning to remove the black fabric on the soil (it was placed by the previous owner) and only add red organic mulch. As of now, the soil is VERY dry and I wanted to know if there are a few things that I need to do to the soil before adding in the plants I want to purchase.
Well this is my only question for now…

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 2, 2019

I'm not sure what red organic mulch is.

You should start with a soil test; your County Extension Office can help you with this for just a small fee.
You should also check your soil for drainage.
Plants do well in a loamy, well drained soil.
Depending on the outcome of a soil test; you can amend your soil.
Then you can plant; annuals, perennials, shrubs etc.
Make sure you buy plants that grow in your growing zone. Your extension office can help you with this also.

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