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Hyacinth Plant


Zone lewisville texas | paz1965 added on April 30, 2015 | Answered

I’m new to gardening. I made an 8 ft by 8 ft above ground box. I filled it with ten 40 lb bags of topsoil and added 6 bags of gardening soil, 40 lbs each. I mixed them together. Am I ready to plant my garden or are there some other steps that I need to take?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 30, 2015

Before planting, I would recommend working the soil with compost so that it is rich with organic matter.

Here is an article on "How to start a vegetable garden" that will help you:

An article on vegetable garden soil:

An article on using soil in gardens:

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Hyacinth Plant
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