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Snow On The Mountain Plants

Q.Snow on the Mountain getting crowded out

Zone Northern Vermont | Anonymous added on June 24, 2016 | Answered

I planted Snow on the Mountain several years ago in a shady spot and it did well for years. Around August it would start to get brown so we would cut it and it would come back looking nice. A couple years ago, other weeds started growing in what was a solid patch of Snow on the Mountain. Now it is competing with other plants. Do I need to do something with the pH of the soil or is there another solution?
Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 24, 2016

Generally Snow On The Mountain needs little care. It can become invasive, I have not had an issue with that myself.
You could use an all purpose fertilizer to give the plants a little boost. If the soil needs some amending, you could top dress the soil with some compost.


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