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Snow On The Mountain Plants

Q.Snow on the mountain

Zone Connecticut | bjm1958 added on September 8, 2015 | Answered

Everything I read about Snow on the Mountain (Euphorbia marginata) tells me that it is not Bishops Weed or Gout Weed (Ageopodium podograria). Why do you think these two are often confused as being the same plant?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 9, 2015

The Euphorbia Snow on the mountain is a different plant from Bishops weed/Goateed. However, this plant - Bishops weed - also goes by the same common name of Snow on the mountain. There are a number of plants that share common names, even though they may be distinctly different plants. This is the reason for scientific names, which are unique to each individual plant. This article explains more: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/latin-plant-names.htm

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