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Hyacinth Plant

Q.snow ball bush

Zone 57448 | Anonymous added on July 11, 2018 | Answered

We live in S.D. and so with the wind and the extreme cold we do encounter has been a issue for certain plants.

We bought a lovely so call snowball bush last year. We planted it in full sun, with black plastic and stone as land scape.

The bush came back wonderfully, is healthy and gets a boost of Miracle grow and water on a regular basis.

We haven’t seen any flowering of any kind and wonder what we’re doing wrong.

Thanks so very much for your time.
JJ Kindel

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 11, 2018

The shrub stays healthy in full sun to part shade, but sunlight influences blooms. Increased sun promotes more flowers and intensifies red and yellow fall foliage. For best blooming, provide snowball with at least six hours of direct, full sun each day.
Improper fertilizers can deter blooming. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers in particular. Nitrogen feeds vegetative growth at the expense of blooms.
Improper pruning can leave snowball bush bloomless. The shrub doesn't require substantial pruning. If pruned back heavily, it may need several seasons before it blooms again. If you choose to prune, do it immediately after flowering.
Stressful conditions can put snowball's flowers on hold. If soil moisture levels are off, blooming may cease. Snowball bush prefers consistently moist soils with excellent drainage. If lacking water or receiving too much, a stressed snowball bush may stop flowering.

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