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Almond Trees

Q.Snapped Almond Tree Top Removed

dhamalika added on March 3, 2020 | Answered

Dear BushDoctor, I have removed the snapped top of the almond tree. The tree is completely bald. Keeping the fingers crossed for it to show signs of life somewhere. Thanks a lot for your help and support

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 4, 2020

Good! Now one last thing! Make sure to keep any growth coming from the base pruned out. You want the top to sprout branches, and sometimes the new growth will want to come from the roots. You don't want that.

With some care, I know your tree will recover. ;)

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Answered on March 4, 2020

Dear BushDoctor, thank you so much for your guidance and professional opinion which is comforting and brightening my confidence about the recovery of the tree.
 I appreciate the information and advice you have shared. I sincerely appreciate the assistance. Many thanks for your assistance. With warm regards

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