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Hyacinth Plant

Q.snapdragons in Zone 5, waukesha wisconsin

Zone Waukesha WI, probably Zone 5 | pete.lillegre added on March 8, 2018 | Answered

My snapdragons grow well along the south side of the house. When fall comes, I just leave the plants in the ground but do nothing to protect the plant. They add interest in the winter months.
When spring comes, should I cut back the old plants to ground level, or rip the roots out of the ground. They are sold as annuals, but I’ve had luck with the plants reseeding themselves and have not had to purchase many new snapdragons in the spring.
Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 9, 2018

Snapdragons are referred to as half-hardy annuals; they will survive if winter is mild or if insulated by snow. I cut mine back to where it is green. The roots of plants that didn't make it can be left to compost. Those I snip off at ground level. Hybrids will slowly change height and color as they don't come back true from seed. I now have some 6" yellow snaps, 12" pink and taller red and several with mixed colors - all from the same original red plants. I have an informal garden and this works well for me.

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