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Q.Snapdragon seed pods

Zone N0H 2G0 | ellisgriffin added on November 8, 2017 | Answered

My snapdragons bloomed very late and we’re expecting frost and very cold temps this week. Can I collect the almost mature green pods and bring them in the house to dry them out? Will the seeds be viable for next year…can I take them out now and get them into the ground before it freezes or should I wait till spring to sprinkle them around? Some of the pods a the top are turning brown but further down the stem they are still green as in the photo below.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 8, 2017

You could do either. I would recommend planting them in early spring, though. You can collect the fully dry seeds, for sure. The green pods may have some viable seeds, but the numbers will be significantly reduced. Here are two articles that you will find helpful.



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