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Snake Plants

Q.Snake Plant Problem

kellylee39 added on May 19, 2020 | Answered

Hi there, can someone please help me identify what’s wrong with my snake plant? I noticed tiny speckled spots on my snake plant and I can’t make out what’s wrong with it. It’s all over the leaves and only on my big snake plant, not on the two smaller pots. Is this from sun damage or am I having a pest problem? I do have it outside on my balcony. The withering leaves are most likely from overwatering, but why do they look so dried out?! I water these once a week.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 19, 2020

Overwatering and direct sun, likely, are to blame.

This is best in indirect light, and dry soils. From here, you may want to use a fungicide, and correct environmental conditions.

Here are some articles that will help:



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Answered on May 20, 2020

They look and feel like scabs, but what's odd is I can wipe these specks away with a wet rag.

Have anyone else come across this problem? Greatly appreciate it!

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