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Smoke Trees

Q.smoke tree

Zone 23065 | Anonymous added on April 14, 2017 | Answered

When does a smoke tree begin to show signs of life in the spring? Most of my shrubs are beginning to show signs of life (April 14th) but new smoke tree planted 3 weeks ago is still dormant
2. when can I plant caladium bulbs?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 14, 2017

Your in growing zone 6b. The average last from date is April 15, and you mention your other plants are waking up.
The ground is very cold still and a new planting will take time to wake up and become established.
The planting hole should be dug 2 to 3 times wider then the pot size but plant no deeper then the plant was in the pot. The roots should be un-circled and spread out in the planting hole.
Make sure you water well after planting and water about 1" per week.

You can plant Caladium in your zone about June 1.

Here are some links with more information.




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