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Q.Small White Spots Appear On The Leaves Of My Rose. These Spots Get Bigger And Eventually Turn Into Holes Leaving Very Little Leaf.

Zone BT63 5PF | briancrowe566@gmail.com added on May 20, 2020 | Answered

This happened last year and I pruned the rose back quite severely but hasn’t made any difference

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 22, 2020

Hard to say with no photos of the problem. It could be a fungus called Powdery Mildew. However it does not typically cause holes in the foliage. It could also be a form of mealy bug or other insect. I would recommend placing some effected leaves in a plastic bag and take them to a local nursery. Ask for their Horticultural Specialist. Once they see it first hand they can help you control it. I would guess that it could be sawfly larvae causing the problems, thus spraying the rosebush well with some Insecticidal Soap as directed on the product label will usually gain control.

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