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Green Beans

Q.Small plants setting flowers and fruits

Anonymous added on July 31, 2015 | Answered

I have a vegetable garden in my backyard and on my patio. I am noticing that the plants which are on my patio (containers) have started producing flowers and fruits. For example, my green beans plants are about 8-9 inches tall, and my cucumber and my squash plants are about 6 inches tall. The green beans have tiny beans on them, and the squash plant is flowering. I am wondering if they will produce more fruits, since they are tiny, and I don’t see any other area (length) where more flowers/fruits can grow. What should I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 1, 2015

You are doing just fine.
Your plants are growing and forming flowers, the plants will continue to grow throughout the growing season.

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