Q.Small meyer lemon tree indoor
I have a small meyer lemon tree that I got as a gift with lemons on it already, so I know it wasn’t a young tree. I brought it inside and I pollinated the flowers when it flowered for the first time. It pollinated and I started out with 9 little green bulbs after the flowers wilted… As time when on, they started to fall off one by one and I’m left with only 2 or 3. What am I doing wrong? I thought they were pollinated, but why are they not growing into lemons?
So far, the fruit drop you've described sounds normal. Meyer lemons are small trees, and they can't support all the lemons they first produce, so they naturally drop most of the fruit (especially when they're relatively young).
If your tree drops its remaining fruit, this can be a sign of poor health or stress. Check the tree carefully for any pests or disease issues, and make sure the watering, fertilizer, and light levels are correct for that tree: