Q.Small aloe plants to send to customers
We run an entrepreneur training program for young adults, and as part of their welcome package, we’d like to send them a small container (tad bigger than a dixie cup), a small bag soil, and seeds. This will teach them the value of taking consistent action every day to grow their business.
Here are the variables:
1. Must be able to grow indoors, maybe even at a cubicle
2. Daily watering is fine, the more frequent the better to teach the lesson (but not a super high priority)
3. Can’t completely outgrow it’s container
We were thinking Aloe plants would work, is that advisable? Something that could actually use would be great, even a vegetable, herb, etc…

What a worthwhile project!
Aloe Vera plant seeds would be the wrong choice though. It is very difficult to germinate Aloe plants from seed. They need very specific temperatures and it can take up to 8 months for seedlings to be of any size recognizable as a plant.
Also though germination of seeds does not require light in most cases. All seedlings need light, though it will vary from plant type.
Here are some articles that have more information.