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Garden Pest Control

Q.Slugs and pesticides

Zone Paradise, CA, 95969, Western Garden Zone 7, USDA Zone 9a. | Anonymous added on July 5, 2017 | Answered

I have a totally container-based garden. The pots are placed on about 1″ of gravel. A couple of weeks ago, I found that two of my plants (small dahlias) had mites, at which time I started spraying all the plants with neem oil. But a few days ago, I was rearranging some plants, and I noticed small slugs (babies?) on the bottom of several pots, and the ground underneath those pots. However, I have not seen any damage from slugs on the leaves.
I have read many ‘cures’ for slugs, including diatomaceous earth (which I would have to re-apply every day after watering – it’s normally 95-102 dry heat here in the summer, which is why I water most of my plants every day), cocoa bean shells, beer or melon-rind traps, and putting the pots on legs.
I’d like to know what you recommend, considering that I have a container garden.
Melissa Moore

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Answered on July 6, 2017
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