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Hyacinth Plant


Zone PE3 9XS | Karl76846 added on April 13, 2018 | Answered


Every year I get these in my garden, can you please help me to identify what this is? My wife thought it was slugs and have put slug pellets down.


Karl Smith

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 15, 2018

That is lawn star jelly fungus. A very natural, and healthy part of your lawn's ecosystem. Those pellets will not remove the growth. You can remove it with wettable sulfur and copper fungicide temporarily, but it will always come back. Wettable sulfur can also help keep them away for a little while, but again, it will always come back at some point.

These are doing no damage to your lawn, but are breaking down potential infections before they happen. but it is unsightly, and I understand if you did want to get rid of them.

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