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Garden Pest Control


Zone milford,delaware 19963 | gloria j tucker added on February 12, 2017 | Answered

Whenever I plant bulbs, they never come back the following year. Could slugs be eating them, and if so, are there any kinds that they will not bother? Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 13, 2017

Yes, it's possible that slugs are attacking your bulbs, or more specifically, the green foliage of the bulbs that comes up in the spring. They might eat it before it pushes above the soil, so you may never see it. Please see this article on control methods and plants that slugs avoid:


Mammals such as rodents can also eat bulbs. Here's how to prevent that:


Also, make sure the bulbs are the right kind for your climate (check their winter hardiness) to make sure they will not freeze over the winter.

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