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Insect Pest Control

Q.Slug Pellets

Zone Guildford | Anonymous added on November 10, 2021 | Answered

Hi, My friend insists that the slug pellets she puts down in her garden are harmless to wildlife which I disagree with as there is no such thing and she says they are fine and this is why I am asking you for advice and then I can show her thank you. Yvonne.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 10, 2021

I found a couple references to slug pellets in our articles. One article about slugs in compost bins says not to use slug pellets because they kill beneficial organisms in the compost. An article about keeping slugs out of containers says if they are used, follow directions strictly, and that non-toxic slug pellets are available. A third article also suggests the chemical-free slug pellets. I've also included two extension articles about slug pellets. The consensus is that metaldehyde slug and snail bait can be lethal to animals, particularly dogs, while snail pellets containing iron phosphate are much safer, but even so, a buildup of iron in an animal's system could be problematic.






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