Q.Skinny Ray
This is my buddy, Skinny Ray. I rescued Ray from the aftermath of a wedding I shot years ago. We’ve been through a lot together since then. I believe he’s a Ti plant, but not entirely sure. I transplanted him into this pitcher about a year ago, after he took a fall off the windowsill. He flourished for a while, and but now he’s looking a might peked. Just for scale, the pitcher is about 16″ tall, 6″ across at the top, 8″ across at the bottom. In the bottom of the pitcher, there is a layer of large rocks then some coarse sand to provide drainage. Above that is a mixture of about 40% composted manure and 60% topsoil. He has done very well in this environment for the past year, but lately not so good. I water him when I can stick my finger about 2″ without feeling moisture, water comes from the tap (we’re on city water). He gets some liquid runoff from our manure bunker once a month, after which he always perks up & grows a new shoot or two. He’s on an east-facing windowsill, so he gets full sun for about 3-4 hours in the morning. He was on a west window, but did not do well over there at all. The only other exposure I have is north facing; I’ve also tried him over there, he didn’t seem to do too well there either. Sure hope someone can help me save my buddy!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is a Ti plant, and you will want to give it some specific care. This article will help: