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Green Beans

Q.“skinny” Green Beans

Zone Piedmont area of South Carolina - Greenville | Wayne Middleton added on May 13, 2015 | Answered

Needing information on a green bean variety frequently found and sold in bunches in Wal-Mart or Sam’s that is exceptionally skinny when compared to the normal pole or bush bean.

I garden, have grown both pole and bush beans and would like to grow this skinny bean, too. Diameter is about half that of the pole and bush beans with which I’m familiar = Blue Lake and such. The length of the bean is approximately the same.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 13, 2015

I believe that the thin and delicate green beans you refer to are french filet beans otherwise knwon as "haricots verts". They are harvested when the pods are no more than a quarter inch in diameter.

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