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Plum Trees

Q.Since Two Weeks Ago My Yellow Italian Plum Tree Leaves Are All Turning Red And Falling

Zone Zone 5 (Montreal, Canada) | Kilrathisly added on July 20, 2020 | Answered

I have a mature italina plum tree, planted 5 years ago, has given great tasting a juicy fruits. We had two severe droughts in the last two months, I did water a lot to compensate for this extermely hot spells. Now since two weeks ago all the leaves of the tree are tuning red and falling off. the tree looks like its dying. the bark is ok, clean, no oozing wounds, no critters on the leaves, no brown spots, and no cankers and no yellowing spores underneath leaves. they just go from green then whither a bit, then turn red and fall off. stated with one branch now it is spread to 50% of the tree. What should i do to save the tree ?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 22, 2020

Unfortunately, I am definitely seeing signs of bacterial disease. It appears to be a blight caused by the Erwinia bacteria.

During hot weather, the best method for providing relief will be in the form of temporary shade. Overwatering in compensation allows infections to take over.

Once this Fire Blight sets in, it can be very difficult to eradicate. Most of the treatment will consist of preventing an outbreak this winter, and following year. Fortunately, these trees are a bit more resilient and will likely recover with proper care.

Here are some articles that will help:



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