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Petunia Plants

Q.Silvery Spots On My Petunias And Marigolds.

Zone Vefreville | Anonymous added on August 2, 2021 | Answered

I have noticed a sparkly silver substance showing up on my petunias and marigolds. The marigolds are staying small and stunted, while it seems to be slowly killing the petunias. I have never seen anything like it before! What could it be?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 3, 2021

Powdery mildew perhaps? You can remove the affected foliage and make sure the plants have good air flow and it is not so soggy and humid that it promotes fungal infections. I normally use a 40% milk + 60% water spray every week, soaking the everything well. Discard unused solution. Any kind of milk is fine.

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