Q.Sick Gardenia Bush
My gardenia bush held on beautifully and had lots of blooms during the spring and summer, but we had some below freezing temps and now the leaves are brown and crispy, even though I covered it during the extreme cold. Is is a goner or will it come back?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I am sorry to hear about your plant. It may come back. It depends on how badly damaged it was. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/tips-for-saving-cold-damaged-plants.htm

I volunteer at a nursing home and one of the Residents was given a Gardenia which was not watered for weeks and was in a similar condition to yours. I moved it to my shadehouse, pruned it severely and soaked it in a weak liquid seaweed manure brew for a week. After 6 weeks It now has new leaves and I will replace the potting mix after the first flower falls. I did not replace the soil immediately as this would have stressed the plant even more. The cure is L.S T.L C. (long slow tender loving care).
Good luck