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Black Walnut Trees

Q.Shrubs That Tolerate Shade and Black Walnut Tree

Zone 4 | joyceellen added on September 3, 2011 | Answered

We want to plant shrubs and other plants along the foundation of our house. The front of the house faces south and has shade all day due to an oak tree, a giant cottonwood and a black walnut tree that is 3′ from the corner of the house. The west side of the house is mostly shade and the walnut is at the southwest corner of the house. We tore up all the landscaping 10 years ago and don’t remember what was planted there. We live in St. Paul, MN.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 5, 2011

Rose of sharon, hydrangea and forsythia can tolerate these conditions.

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