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Hyacinth Plant

Q.shrubs dying

Zone ct20 3lb | Anonymous added on September 24, 2017 | Answered

The weeping willow tree that we have had for 15 years has died followed by two hydrangea that bloomed lovely and now have both died seems like something is killing my shrubs

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 24, 2017

Did the plants that died show any specific symptoms before they died, such as spots on the leaves, yellowing leaves, cracking or oozing trunks/stems? These could point to a disease problem or a nutrient deficiency in the site's soil. Another possibility is that salt or other toxic substances from a nearby road, or herbicides from a neighbor, could have entered the soil and killed the plants. This is especially a possibility if the site is very close to the road:


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