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Q.Shrubs and Bushes

Anonymous added on August 12, 2012 | Answered

I have an area that is bordered by a small creek. The creek bank is about 4 feet from the level of my lawn and the actual creek bed. This stream will occassionally go from a couple of inches deep to three feet during severe storms. The bank is beginning to erode and I would like to plant some sort of shrub along the top of the bank to have its roots provide resistance to erosion. I would like to keep this shrub trimmed to about three feet tall, as the creek and the fish in it are fun to look at. Any suggestions for a shrub?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 12, 2012

Some of the David Austin Shrub roses send out roots like a tree and would be good for helping hold and stabilize things. You can go to the David Austin website and take a look at the shrub roses. One of the gentlemen I met from the company has such hedge type areas of them. He keeps them pruned up with a hedge trimmer, so I am sure they would do fine.

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