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Q.preventing weeds around rose bushes

Zone Metro Atlanta. Powder Springs Ga Cobb County | joeyho55 added on October 30, 2016 | Answered

Should you lay black landscaping cloth (to prevent weeds) around rose bushes?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 4, 2016

I would recommend using a stirrup hoe to get rid of any weeds around the rosebushes. Remove all weed matter after doing the hoeing. Work up the soils a bit and lightly water. Put down some landscaping fabric and cover it with a decorative mulch of choice. All persistent weeds that start to come up should be easily pulled or painted with a small paintbrush that has been dipped in some premixed herbicide. Use a wetted but not dripping wet paintbrush for this application. It gets the herbicide right where it is needed without any overspray concerns.

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