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Japanese Iris Plants

Q.Japanese iris blooms

Zone 20613 | meanmom353 added on June 21, 2014 | Answered

Should the stems of Japanese iris blooms be cut following the bloom or should they remain to form a seed pod? I am unsure of what to do as far as pruning after my Japanese iris blooms. I generally allow it to form seed pods and don’t cut down the entire plant until early spring. It has bloomed beautifully for 8 years and I do divide the mother plant every other year. Is that all there is to it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 21, 2014

Most people cut the flower stem after blooming to prevent the plant from expending energy on seed production. You don't need the seeds unless you want to go into iris hybridizing. Japanese iris are pretty easy, as you've found. Check out this article for more pointers: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/iris/growing-japanese-iris-plants.htm

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