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Weeping Willow Trees

Q.Should Limbs Of 6″ To 10″ Diameter Be Sawed Off At This Time Of Year? Should These Cuts Be Sealed?

Zone Springfield, NY. 13468 | Anonymous added on September 23, 2024 | Answered

25 to 40+ over 40 yr. old weeping willows have grown unencumbered by themselves They are being very hard pruned today. What kind of damage will this cause & will they grow back by next Sep?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 23, 2024

Late winter would have been a better time to prune. Are they being topped? That is never a good option at any time of year. What grows back is unattractive water sprouts and hard pruning will probably ruin the weeping shape. If they did a crown reduction without leaving stubs the trees may be okay. Sealing is not recommended for trees anymore.

It may be better to remove them if their size is a problem. They are past the typical lifespan for weeping willows.

Weeping willows are notorious for their underground root devastation to nearby structures or plumbing. It sounds like this must be an acreage so they are probably not close enough to anything to do damage.

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